A blog to find great resources for bilingual teachers....

Monday, December 10, 2012

Sentence structure

Having students writing complete sentences has always been a great struggle. I decided to create this anchor chart. Students have a visual. I told them that using the letter "Y" at the beginning of the sentence does not make it a complete sentences. It is not a subject. Students understand that it doesn't have hands or feet. I told them that it may be used as a conjunction. Students loved it. These anchor charts have helped so much.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Anchor charts

I have been seeing so many anchor charts on pinterest. It made me  if i did them in Spanish would it work. My kids loved them. Its a better visual for them. I just hope to get them laminated to use them for future reference. Please be nice and leave me a comment.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


I am having a hard time with my students in blending. I have made puzzle with words using sentence strips. I still see students reading word by word. I wanting to know what activities other teachers have done.  What material have you purchased? Any ideas?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ten Frame Puzzle

As I always looking for new ideas to incorporate into my bilingual centers or even math centers. Well I came across a nice puzzle that involves number recognition and ten frames. With the EnVision curriculum students are having so much trouble with ten frames. I saw it on pinterest and thought I should create my own. Here its is. All you got to do is cut it to make the puzzle. I love it. I know you won't be disappointed. Click here. Please make sure to leave a comment if you like to download it. I want some feedback.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Black true color

In the summer I attend some summer training. In one of the training we did some science experiments. We used a coffee filter and a vis a vis marker (black). We did dots on the filter. We made a hole in the middle and inserted a brown paper towel that was dipped in water. As the water was being absorbed by the paper into the filter you would see the true color of black. This experiment only works with black vis a vis markers. Students will love to see how black is really made. Have fun!

Parts of a plant

I used this so students could label parts of a plant in Spanish. We used contruction paper, coffee filter and crayons. It was a simple task. Kids loved it. I wasn't able to share with you guys but am back. I share any creative ideas I come across.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Back to Blogging

I didn't have access to internet all summer. I wanted to keep up with my blog and add more. Well my plan failed. I have sent request for those teachers that have left comments. I sorry for not having much to share. I will be working on it. Just so glad to be back in business! :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Classroom Management

I have become so addicted to pinterest. Its so addicting that I use all my spare time on it. Well I came across this video "Whole Brain Teaching or Power teaching"  helps teachers with classroom management skills. Its ideal for new teachers They will have a free videos that  you can watch. They are basically self explanatory and easy to implement. This type of implementation is suitable for K thru college. I thought it was great and it was something different. I planning to implement it the next school year. Here is the website This is a video I found on You Tube. It basically explains a little of everything that goes along with it. Its has all students engaged. Simply LOVE it. Most of these techniques can be used in dual language classroom. I thought some were great when working with their bilingual pairs. Just a thought and wanted to share.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mountain Math

I was looking at Teacher Tipster video and I came across one of the videos that Mr. Smith talks about his bulletin board. It is a curriculum that review all concepts that are taught in the grade level. You can do it during center time or math. I personally like it for bilingual centers or conceptual refinement. Students are to do it over a week period. They provide all materials for year around. You can change it weekly and have students complete handout. It great so when you begin to teach the concept students are already exposed to it. I think its worth the every penny. You can purchase workbooks, flip chart or bulletin board. I plan to purchase the flip chart because I don't have the space for a bulletin board of that multitude.
Here is the video:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Asking for suggestions

As a bilingual teacher we either have to translate or create our own material. As I started doing this blog to help  other teachers that have come across the same dilemma as I have. I want to ask for people if they have any suggestions on what materials are in need. I might be able to upload stuff I have created or find it for you. Please feel free to leave any comments. I will try the best to provide what is needed.

The Learning Patio

I have come across Bilingual Planet and they have great resources for bilingual or dual language classrooms. They  have another site which is within the family. You pay $1.99 monthly and the resources are incredible. You will be amazed of what you will find. It is worth it. I am not getting any commission for promoting this site. I just want teachers to know that there are materials out there. IF WE STICK TOGETHER WE WILL SUCCEED. I hope you take the time and have a look at it. Believe me you won't have any regrets. I AM IN LOVE WITH ALL THEIR MATERIALS. Oh and by the way all the material is kid friendly. My students are amazed when I show them.
I appreciate if you leave a comment of what you think of the site.....


I feel so bad for not keeping up with my blog. This year has been overwhelming. We have so much things going on at our school. Its just crazy. I will try to keep up and add new materials that I have found. Don't get discourage. Summer is around the corner and I will have plenty of time to add new material.